We all have priorities.
The major-intense deadlines, the somewhat important to-do lists, and then the not-super-crucial-but-still-the-most-time consuming things. Like doing your own nails. I have a ton of homework to do, lots of personal reflection that should probably take place, and even more things along the lines of personal hygiene that a normal functioning human being usually practices on occasion. Instead, I am sitting at my kitchen table eating a plain slice of Grandma Sycamore's white bread--no, it's not gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, or grain-free. Neither were the no-bake chocolate peanut butter cookies I just enjoyed. 6 to be exact.-- I could do something "productive" in the secular sense, or work on improving myself as a contributor to society…but instead, my productivity has consisted of pecking at my keyboard with wet finger nails.
PLOT TWIST: productivity is a relative term;
I was in desperate need of some fun, relaxing methods of de-stressing to help bring myself back to reality. I am loving my new nail polish color, and thus, loving myself.
(Cute nails are a necessity though, right??)
K yep, the future posts on my blog will hopefully have a little more depth… but for now, I mainly just wanted to get that "first" blog post out of the way. That's the hardest part. Getting started. <---that'll be a future post topic, just you wait.
If you're still reading, I applaud you. My attempt to put together a stream of semi-cohesive sentences is both therapeutic for me, and hopefully somewhat enjoyable for you. I will be candid (and classy) with maybe just a little bit of sarcasm…. #sorrynotsorry. Oh, and I also hate hashtags.
Stay tuned for a fun journey :)