(we definitely are all wearing the same skirt, just in a
different color. Definitely planned ;) )
On a scale of 1 to s l o w, this week has been slower than cooling lava. Seemingly painless and uneventful, but still some hot-to-the-touch tendencies. --okay, if youre lost right now, its fine... I am too. #analogyfail Basically, nothing major to report.
MRI appointment for me this friday at 2pm. I am going with Presidente and HNA Gonzalez, we are just gunna make a date of it ;)
My ping-póng skills arent the only ones improving...my spanish is too! Serving in the spanish branch with Dad in the presidency way back when has seriously made ALL the difference in the world. Not kidding. All those years of fighting spanish and being frustrated with driving all the way out there, I was being immersed in latino culture and gospel spanish... two major things that are a huge advantage over the high-school spanish takers here. All those years of spanish sacrament meetings and fiestas really have helped me to me more comfortable and relaxed, because the language and accent is familiar. My grammer is not perfect (no where near actually) but because I am not worried about the language so much, it has really allowed me to search more deeply into what I am teaching and listen to understand what my investigators need.
Speaking of... we have two "investigators" right now... they are our district teachers that play a scripted background story and we teach them accordingly. Having the opportunity to practice, even if and when we dont know how to say much is really cool! The stories come to life, and I can already see why RMs say they truly love their investigators. They are real people, with real needs...and our goal is to invite them to learn how our message of Salvation can help them :)
Last lil spiritual note before I sign off (if youre still reading keep it up) ... this was the BEST part of the week by far:
-I memorized the baptismal commitment earlier in the week, and just yesterday we were teaching our progressing investigator. We had taught her the plan of Salvation and was closing our lesson of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is centered around 5 major points: Faith in Jesus and His Atonement, Repenting of your sins and acknowledging our Savior, being Baptized into His church as a symbol or turning your life and will to God, and recieving the Holy Ghost as a constant companion to help you with life decisions and encourage you to perserverar hasta el fin (endure to the end). I had the memorized baptismal invitation in my back pocket to use if needed, but it wasnt in our lesson plan at all. Until I testified of the incredible blessing of being able to repent and try again in every aspect of our lives, because we have a loving Savior who has payed the ultimate price. After explaining that Christ came to this Earth to teach his Gospel and show us how to live by His example, I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. I testified of following Christs example to better our lives, then I looked at my investigator--my teacher in disguise, but thats not how I saw her-- and said these words:
Kathleen, ¿Seguirá el ejemplo de Jesucristo a ser bautizado por algiuen que posea la autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios?
THE SPIRIT!!!!!! it was a tangible wave that literally slammed me in the face and got stuck in my throat. hit me so hard my eyes started to water…
okay, it was a little more gentle than that, but OH. MY. GOSH.
it was the most real experience I have ever had... she wasnt a real investigator, but in that lesson we knew that we had prepared with the spirit so when it came time to teach, I saw her as a person to be helped and loved, not a lesson to be recited. Man, it was definitely the greatest part of the week, so yep. :)
Please say a teensy eensy prayer for me on Friday while I head to the doctor... Apparently the hospital is really nice and in a safe part of the city, the american doctors approve.
So, dont worry mom :)
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